Lee: Conservatives, GOP Neglecting Family Values

In a speech, Sen. Mike Lee says conservatives have made a mistake in recent years by not emphasizing the importance of family values. 

Reports Politico:

“The problem is not that conservatives have focused too much on family, but far too little,” the tea party favorite said in a speech at the Faith and Freedom Conference. “Too many people in Washington seem not to realize it, but the rapid changes we’ve seen in recent years in America have only made the family more important – not less.”

The freshman senator said that government policies have rigged society against parents and children.

“Freedom doesn’t mean you’re on your own,” he said. “Freedom means we’re all in this together.”

Lee outlined a conservative agenda built around remembering the downtrodden and forgotten.

“We need to identify with Americans still on the bottom rungs,” he said. “Too often our party has ignored him.”

Read more: Utah Policy – Lee Conservatives GOP Neglecting Family Values